Friday, October 29, 2010

Week Ending October 29

This week in our Sophomore classes, we continued work on Macbeth, reading Act II.  We will have a quiz on Act II today (10/29) and then we will begin reading Act III for next week.

We also have new blogs for classroom use.  They are as follows:

C-Block -
E-Block -
H-Block -

Please feel free to check them out to see what your children are working on.  Some of their posts are very insightful and mature!
In our Freshman class this week, students began planning out their essays comparing Luke Skywalker and Odysseus as heroes.  Next week, on Monday and Wednesday, we will be in the computer lab typing them out and they will be due on Thursday.  We will also begin the prereading process for JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Week Ending October 22

In our Sophomore classes this week, we began reading Shakespeare's Macbeth.  We finished Act I and had review questions for homework Thursday night.  Classes will have a quiz on Act I at the beginning of next week and then we continue with Act II.

In our Freshman class, we continued studying Luke Skywalker as a hero.  We will finish our examination of him on Tuesday and begin the planning stages of writing our compare and contrast essay next week.  Much of the essay will be written in class to be handed in the following week (week of Nov. 1st).

Monday, October 18, 2010

Week Ending October 15

This week in our Sophomore classes, we finished Of Mice and Men by handing in our essays on Wednesday. On Thursday and Friday we started pre reading for Shakespeare's Macbeth. Next week we will be starting to read the play itself.

In our Freshman class, we continued examining Luke Skywalker as a hero in conjunction with Odysseus. We will finish our examination of these two characters and then we will begin a compare and contrast essay of these two characters the following week. After that, we will start reading JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Week Ending Oct. 8


In this week's Sophomore classes, students completed work on Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men.  Our test was on Wednesday and students passed in their "George's Letter" assignment today.  On Tuesday, students will be headed to the computer lab to complete an essay on Friendship, based on a former MCAS prompt.  We will be starting Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth next week.

In this week's Freshman class, students completed work on Homer's epic "The Odyssey."  We had our test on Wednesday and we began work on our next Heroic epic Star Wars, tracing Luke Skywalker's path to heroism.  In the future, we will compare Odysseus and Luke as heroes, and trace their progression and maturity.  To complete the "Hero Unit" in my class, we will read JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit in late October, early November.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email.


Mr. Hacker

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Welcome to my blog!  Here you can find out what will be happening in our English class at Waltham High School.  Enjoy!