Monday, June 24, 2013

Happy Summer!

Have a safe, joyous summer and celebrate all your hard work this year!

See you in the fall!

Mr. Hacker

Monday, June 17, 2013

Finals Week - June 17, 2013

Well, I should be home still sleeping right now, but instead, I am preparing for final exams (stupid snow...)

The Final Exam Schedule is as follows:

June 19 - F and H blocks
June 20 - D and E blocks
June 21 - B and C blocks
June 24 - A block and makeups

My classes are as follows:

Freshmen - C block
Sophomore C-1 - D and F blocks
Sophomore Honors - B block

Good luck and thanks for an interesting year.

Mr. Hacker

Monday, June 3, 2013

Almost There...

We are now 15 days away from summer vacation, but we in 115 are still in full teaching mode.

Biology MCAS is tomorrow and Wednesday, June 4 and 5.

C-1 Sophomores have finished reading Night by Elie Wiesel.  We have moved on to Roberto Benigni's Life is Beautiful, a wonderful film about a father's love for his family during the Fascist rule of Italy.  From there we will finish with Steven Spielberg's epic film Schindler's List.  The final assignment will be to complete an Ethical Will, a living testament to what we wish to impart to our fellow citizens of the world.

Sophomore Honors students will be finishing John Steinbeck's novella Of Mice and Men this week.

Freshmen are working on their haiku poetry projects this week, trying to finish writing 4 haiku and a haibun.

I do not know the finals schedule yet.  When I do, I will post it.

15 days...