Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Week of March 7

Hi Everyone,

We have been away for a few weeks, so here is our current update:

Sophomore and Freshman C-1 classes have been working on haiku poetry last week and this week, discovering its intricacies and learning about the Japanese culture as well.  We are creating 4 haiku (one for each season) and 1 haibun (haiku w/ a story) for our end product.  We will also be creating a traditional Japanese haiku painting on Friday for display in class.  On Monday/Tuesday, we will have our final test on haiku and then begin reviewing for MCAS with the Sophomores.  Freshmen will continue working in a poetry unit beginning Tuesday. 

Sophomore Honors read Paulo Coehlo's International bestseller The Alchemist over February vacation and answered some discussion questions about it.  This week, we are discussing the book in preparation for our essay to be due after MCAS.  The Honors class will be reviewing for MCAS as well next week.


Mr. Hacker

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