Tuesday, May 31, 2011

4 Weeks

We are down to 4 weeks of school left!  I can't believe time has gone so quickly this year. 

The C-1 Sophomores have completed Schindler's List and will be working on another documentary based on Schindler's List entitled Inheritance.  It is the story of Amon Goeth's daughter Monika who reaches out to Helen, the woman who was Goeth's maid at Plaszow for two years.  It is very moving.  Also, Sophomore writing journals are due June 15.

Honors Sophomores have been doing an excellent job teaching the novel Our Nig.  We will finish up in about two more weeks.

The Freshmen completed Great Expectations on Friday and are working on their writing projects for the end of the year.  They are due on June 15.

Biology MCAS is tomorrow and Thursday for Sophomores.

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