Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Week of October 31, 2011

Well, welcome to November!  After a weekend without power, I returned to school today.  Students are testing on Beowulf or The Odyssey today (or tomorrow for A-Block) and we will begin new units tomorrow.

Sophomore Honors will embark on a journey to find The Alchemist with Spanish shepherd boy Santiago in Paulo Coehlo's best selling novel.  The C-1 Sophomores will follow George and Lennie on their path to find the American Dream in Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men

The Freshmen will embark on the second of their three part course on the hero, following George Lucas' hero Luke Skywalker in the director's classic Star Wars films.

It will be an exciting few weeks before Thanksgiving as we work our way toward the holidays.  Here's hoping you all have a wonderful introduction to this festive season and that happiness and peace surround you.

As always, email with comments or questions.


Mr. Hacker

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